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The Qualities of a Moonshot Classroom Support:

  • The social emotional needs of the learner

  • The foundational literacy needs of the learner

  • Multi-sensory experiences that engage learners with meaningful text

  • Vigorous thinking and learning that is made visible and shared

  • Ongoing reflection, assessment and documentation of learning

  • An aesthetically rich environment

  • Integrated and connected learning

  • Joyful, passionate, lifelong learners

What is a Moonshot Classroom?

1.  Addressing the Social Emotional needs of students through Community Building.

2. Engaging in a reading enviroment, rich with multi-sensory experiences around complex texts.

3. Ongoing reflection and documentation to deepen learning.

4. Language and curriculum in the classroom fosters rigorous thinking and inquiry.

5. The physical environment is aesthetically rich with meaningful print and visual texts, student work, and spaces for differentiated learning.

6. Learning is integrated and connected. Meaningful connections are made between students lives, content areas, and the larger community and world.

7. Curriculum supports the foundational literacy needs of the students, which includes reading and writing.

Thank you to our generous community partners for your support, including
United Way, Impact 100, John's Island Community Service League, and John's Island Foundation
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© 2015 by Liz Bahl & Debbi Arseneaux. Proudly created with

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