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This annual week-long intensive teacher training institute provided by The Learning Alliance is designed to provide an immersive, meaningful, hands on professional development experience that reinforces the importance of collaborative planning - building units driven by big ideas and powerful essential questions, integrating the arts into learning, and engaging all our students, all while supporting rigorous standards-based instruction. Participants play and plan, learn and grow, and walk away with strategies to support the higher academic demands required of their students. Educators head back into their schools with rich, engaging unit plans. 

The Learning Alliance Team, along with national experts and the School District of Indian River County, then support the implementation and documentation of these plans throughout the school year - a PD to Planning to Practice experience.   

The 2016 summer institute, held at the Vero Beach Museum of Art, was a collaborative space for creating and designing the classroom of the 21st Century, alongside motivated and committed peers, and surrounded by world class art. The museum’s summer exhibition, “Art Out Of This World: The Art and Artists of NASA” inspired and encouraged us all to remember to look up in wonder!

A very special Thank You to Impact 100 of Indian River County for making this inaugural Summer Institute possible!

Thank you to our generous community partners for your support, including
United Way, Impact 100, John's Island Community Service League, and John's Island Foundation
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© 2015 by Liz Bahl & Debbi Arseneaux. Proudly created with

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