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The Learning Alliance

Board of Directors
Mr. Raymond Oglethorpe, Chairman
Mr. Donald Riefler, Vice Chairman
Mrs. Barbara Hammond,  CEO
Mr. Arthur Scutro, Jr. Treasurer
Ms. Eliazbeth Woody, Secretary
Dr. Frances Adams
Mrs. Jayne Becker
Mrs. Kjestine Bijur
Dr. David Griffin
Mrs. Sandra Hammonds
Mrs. Rae Kelly
Mr. James Kelly
Mrs. Carol Price
Mr. Arthur Ryan

We Are The Learning Alliance

The Learning Alliance is a catalyst for innovation, dedicated to building the collective capacity of our community to reach our Moonshot Moment Goal of 90% literacy by third grade.  

Our Mission

The Learning Alliance is a vision driven, emergent learning organization dedicated to building innovative and collaborative solutions to help children learn to read.  Our “Moonshot Moment" vision of 90% of all third graders reading on grade level motivates our work. Given that today only 35% of all third graders nationally and 54% locally are reading on grade level, success requires unprecedented levels of trust, collaboration, and leadership between schools and community partners.

Why It Matters

Our little known national shame: Only 35% of children are reading proficiently by third grade and we know our economy requires 9 out of 10 people be literate.  Third grade is pivotal because children learn to read by third grade, then they read to learn. If children miss the mastery of literacy by third grade, they only have a 1 in 6 chance of catching up.

Our Work

Our programs include extended learning opportunities for students in the form of afterschool and summer programs; early childhood initiatives because we know that early intervention is key and learning starts in the womb; initiatives to address the social emotional needs of our children because neuroscience tells us that unless our children feel safe and secure, they are unable to learn; professional development for our educators led by international experts in the field of education; embedded coaching and on-demand, on-site training for our schools.  Together, with our school district, we offer our students highly engaging and rigorous curriculum that meets the requirements of the 21st Century classroom through innovative, interdisciplinary unit planning. We are working in tandem with over 70 community partners, who include businesses, child centered organizations and other nonprofits to reach our goal.

Our Progress

Ninety cents on every dollar raised goes directly into our schools and educational programs.  We have an unprecedented partnership with our public school system and work together to ensure our teachers are acquiring the skills needed to teach ALL of our children.  The relationships and trust established between the schools and community have created a learning lab which has won Three National PaceSetter Awards, A PBS Newshour Special and serves as a burgeoning model for the nation. We are seeing transformation among our teachers and students who have a reignited love of teaching and learning.

What Teachers are Saying

"I couldn't think outside of the box and was alone with my feelings of inadequacy.  Now I know, that with persistence upon tackling new tasks, they can be realized.  I can truly be an effective teacher, wielding a positive affect on my students." 
"The growth in comprehension and fluency with my ESE students has been incredible." 
"I have seen tremendous growth as well as confidence in my students. They are expressing themselves in their work, physically, verbally and collaboratively. They are excited to learn and not afraid to take risks. My classroom is a fun place to be!"
"I have noticed a huge difference in student engagement and academic growth because of the amazing literacy strategies I have learned this year. Especially with my ESE and economically disadvantaged students."
Thank you to our generous community partners for your support, including
United Way, Impact 100, John's Island Community Service League, and John's Island Foundation
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